For residents

Work Experience in Lambeth

What is work experience?

Work experience is not just for people in school – work experience can be really useful to people of all ages who want to find out more about a certain job or industry. If you want to learn more about a job that you might be interested in, work experience can be one way to find out if that job is for you. It can be paid or unpaid.

You may also want to contact an employer directly for work experience, do a T-Level course which offers work experience, or try some virtual work experience. The LSBU Green Skills Hub offers an exciting work experience programme to help you learn more about sustainable careers.

If you’re a school or a school student interested in construction or related industries contact

[email protected]

If you want to get any more information about work experience get in touch with us

Contact BeLambeth

If you want to search for work experience opportunities in Lambeth, go to:

Find opportunities

If you want to find out more about work experience and how to get it go to

Ways to get work experience | National Careers Service

If you are an employer who is interested in providing work experience you can get support here

Work experience: employer guide

If you are neurodiverse and/or have a learning difficulty or disability you might be interested in our supported employment offer

Supported Employment