Success Story

Rebecca's story

Rebecca was referred to me based on information from Lambeth Made Programme, where they had been contacted by Cllr Donatus about a 36-year-old resident – Rebecca Wallace, who was previously under the care of Lambeth Children’s Services.

She was invited to attend the Connecting Communities registration where we discussed her professional goals and objectives. Rebecca did lack self-belief in her abilities and when she relayed information about what she had achieved, it was remarkable, delivering a presentation on children’s care in Russia and attending Parliament and giving speeches about her experiences in care. Through 1-1 appointments and phone/email contact, it was evident that her confidence and motivation was growing; to pay it forward to help young people who have been in a similar situation to her.

We undertook various CV support sessions, where I asked her to self-reflect on her skills, experience, and education, where we collated and prepared a new CV; marketing her strengths to would-be employers from a care perspective.

Rebecca identified that she may need support with her functional skills and was emailed said information with several providers in Lambeth; but due to the length of these courses; these courses would not commence till September 2023. As a result, through IAG, I sent her information on a Volunteer for Beginners course based at one of the Lambeth Adult Learning providers, called Thamesreach. After reading the information, she was interested and forwarding her details to them, she was invited to a pre-assessment and started the course the following week. Rebecca enjoyed the course so much and exceeded her own expectations; where Lisa Hallam, Employment and Skills Lead Worker stated:

Becky completed.  What a fantastic learner!  She has already identified 1 or 2 progression options for herself, and we have also asked her to be the classroom volunteer when we deliver this course again.

As a result, due to Rebecca’s professionalism, she has been asked to volunteer and support other learners who are also undertaking the Volunteer for Beginners course.

Rebecca was extremely complimentary and thanked me for making her aware of the course, which has increased her confidence massively.

Thank you for alerting me to this short course provided by Thames reach.
After completing the course over 5 days I was able to gain a better insight and understanding of volunteering in a professional setting, both what I can give and gain. 
The course leader was amazing and so supportive.
I found my confidence that had been locked away for a long time.
— Becci Wallace

This has been extremely evident when I speak to Rebecca, she is much happier and is now fully aware; that she is capable of so much more. The Rebecca I met in April 2023, does not really exist anymore; she is vibrant, cheerful and by helping others; is growing in confidence day after day.

During the provider meeting via LAL, a discussion about learner nominations was undertaken and speaking to Thamesreach; I suggested that Rebecca should be nominated for an award due to her undertaking the course and now volunteering.

When I spoke to Rebecca, she mentioned that she was nominated via Thamesreach and had won an award. She was so happy and that feeling of pride exuded from her. Again, she thanked me for referring her to the course; and I said that she did all the demanding work, you impressed so many people: your self-belief in your abilities led to her winning the award. Rebecca will be attending the LAL End of Year Conference on the 14th July 2023, where she will give a speech about her experiences to the attendees.

She also mentioned that she spoke to an organisation she worked for before; who based in Cardiff are planning on running a pilot to do with foster care and they will train her to deliver said presentations throughout the UK. Rebecca is in talks with them and she is now feeling extremely positive about her future; helping other people especially vulnerable children.